Reset SA password on SQL Server on Linux

This article is about how to proceed when you forgot the password of your SQL Server “sa” account, Password was entered wrong many times then “sa” account got locked, or someone wants to reset the password without using SQL Server management studio (GUI). The mssql-conf is a configuration tool that installs with SQL Server on Linux (Red Hat Enterprise Linux, […]

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Connect SQL Server on Linux using Bash on Ubuntu on Windows

Since Microsoft has launched SQL Server on Linux, you would be working on both the platforms Linux and Windows. You can now add Bash shell on Windows 10 to play with SQL Server on Linux instead of using any third party tool like Putty or other SSH clients. Note: Bash/WSL is still in “beta” version. It […]

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SQL Server 2017 – DMV – sys.dm_os_host_info

I always love to get my hands dirty with new features of SQL Server. I was exploring SQL Server on Linux, and at a point, I had to check the operating system details of the Linux system. Being lazy to figure out Linux OS command to check the operating system details, I started figuring out […]

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Install SQL Server Agent on Ubuntu (Linux)

With the release of SQL Server vNext CTP 1.4, the SQL Server Agent support is included. It enables DBAs to schedule any task using a SQL Server Agent Job on Linux machine. In this post, I will explain how to install the SQL Server Agent package on the Ubuntu system. Before you start installation SQL […]

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Uninstall SQL Server Tools on Ubuntu System

If you remember, Installing SQL Server on Linux does not install SQL Server tools by default. You have to install it separately. The same way when you uninstall SQL Server, it won’t uninstall mssql-tools, you have to uninstall separately. In the previous blog post, we discuss how to uninstall mssql-server on Ubuntu System. Here, we […]

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Uninstall SQL Server on Ubuntu System

There are scenarios where you want to uninstall the SQL Server vNext CTP1. This blog describes how to uninstall Microsoft SQL Server on Ubuntu system. It will completely remove Microsoft SQL Server along with repository, data directories,  and binary of the SQL Engine. Note: During uninstall mssql-server package, it does not remove all the files […]

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