Read Statistics Histogram using DMV

DMV: sys.dm_db_stats_histogram (object_id, stats_id)  For a long time, the DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS command was the only way to get information about statistics. It displays current query optimization statistics for a table or indexed view. It was always a painful task, if you wanted to capture output of the DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS for all tables in one go. […]

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After migrating SQL Server from 2005 to higher version, the waits type PAGELATCH_UP increased

Recently, I experienced an interesting issue where I found SQL Server wait type PageLatch_UP went up drastically after migration. Let’s walk through to understand the problem and its solution. Problem After migrating SQL Server 2005 instances to higher versions – SQL 2008/SQL 2008 R2/SQL 2012/SQL 2014 and SQL 2016, I found the most of (not all) […]

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