Find Query with Implicit Conversion in the Plan Cache

In my previous blog, I discussed about “Which are the queries using a particular index or table?“. Today’s post, I am going to show how you can find all queries with Implicit Conversion in SQL Server. What is an implicit conversion? Implicit conversions occur whenever data with two different data types are being compared. Implicit conversions will often harm […]

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Which are the queries using a particular index or table?

The DMV sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats and sys.dm_db_index_operational_stats give you excellent detailed information about how the indexes are being used and what operations are occurring (select, insert, update, delete) in the database. But they don’t tell you a particular index or table is being used by which all the queries. So, when you want to tune the existing […]

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Determine Referenced Objects in the Stored Procedures

It is very common to see in a relational database that stored procedures are using many Tables, Views, Sequence Object, Stored Procedures, Functions, or many more to process the business logic. If you happen to work on a Stored Procedure performance issue which referenced many objects, you might end up asking yourself – “Is the […]

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