Read Statistics Histogram using DMV

DMV: sys.dm_db_stats_histogram (object_id, stats_id)  For a long time, the DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS command was the only way to get information about statistics. It displays current query optimization statistics for a table or indexed view. It was always a painful task, if you wanted to capture output of the DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS for all tables in one go. […]

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SQL RPM package details On CentOs System

You have already explored the installation of SQL Server and SQL Server tools on CentOs. In this post, we will see what all the packages and files get installed during the SQL Server installation on Linux (CentOs) using rpm package manager but before let’s first understand; What is RPM? RPM originally stands for Red Hat Package Manager. […]

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Uninstall SQL Server Tools on Ubuntu System

If you remember, Installing SQL Server on Linux does not install SQL Server tools by default. You have to install it separately. The same way when you uninstall SQL Server, it won’t uninstall mssql-tools, you have to uninstall separately. In the previous blog post, we discuss how to uninstall mssql-server on Ubuntu System. Here, we […]

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Uninstall SQL Server on Ubuntu System

There are scenarios where you want to uninstall the SQL Server vNext CTP1. This blog describes how to uninstall Microsoft SQL Server on Ubuntu system. It will completely remove Microsoft SQL Server along with repository, data directories,  and binary of the SQL Engine. Note: During uninstall mssql-server package, it does not remove all the files […]

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An in-depth look at mssql-server.service file on SQL Server on Linux

In previous blogs, we discuss how to Stop, Start, View, and Enable or Disable SQL Server Service on Linux. Here, we will be discussing mssql-server.service file and will also be talking about dumping the ELF binary file “/opt/mssql/bin/sqlservr” to see – it calls what all the sfp files. The mssql-server.service is a configuration file. It […]

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SQL Server Configuration Manager on Linux

The mssql-conf is a configuration tool that installs with SQL Server vNext for both Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Ubuntu systems. You can think of this tool as a replacement for SQL Server Configuration Manager which exists on Windows. It allows you to initialize multiple configuration options for the SQL engine. This tool creates a configuration […]

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