AlwaysOn Data Synchronization in Synchronous and Asynchronous Mode

When you are working on the AlwaysOn feature, it is crucial to understand how the AlwaysOn commit process works. This blog will walk you through how a synchronous and Asynchronous commit process works in AlwaysOn. Data Synchronization in Synchronous mode  Primary replica is generating transaction log blocks. The secondary replica establishes a valid connection to […]

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Snapshot Agent Acquires schema modification (SCH-M) lock on all the articles of a publication

As the business requirement, It is very common to see a request for adding a new article or subscription to the existing publication. After adding the new article or subscription to the existing publication, we use snapshot agent to initialize it so that data can flow from Publisher to Distributor to Subscriber(s). But, the snapshot […]

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Have you ever wonder why Log Send Rate doesn’t show against Primary Replica on the AlwaysOn Dashboard?

Recently, I was working on the AlwaysOn Availability group issue where the log records were not moving from primary to secondary replica because of the wait type “PARALLEL_REDO_TRAN_TURN”. During the troubleshooting, when I opened the AlwaysOn Dashboard to see the Log Send Rate, I found that the Log Send Rate was coming blank against the […]

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Failed to join local availability replica to Availability Group – SQL Server error 41106 and 41158

When you configure SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability Group from management studio, it may fail with below error while joining secondary replica to the availability group. Today, While I was preparing some demo on AlwaysOn for the community event, I encountered the same issue. So, I thought to blog the solution here so that it can […]

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Disable or Turn-off SQL Server Telemetry Service

With SQL Server 2016, Microsoft is installing SQL Server Telemetry or CEIP (Customer Experience Improvement Program) Services by default. It sends feature usage info back to Microsoft. You cannot skip the installation of these services. I find most of the DBAs even don’t aware that they have installed the service on their host. In case, […]

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